
Be it your curiosity, your contribution, or your commitment to help us succeed, there are a variety of ways to support our projects and our people.


At the heart of Watershed are our artists. Come walk the halls of the Equinox complex of studios every second Saturday of the month as part of the greater Georgetown Art Attack.  Want to know more about our artist from the comfort of your computer screen?  No problem!  Check out the Equinox Studios and meander through the creative wonderland of our current artist tenants.


As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, financial contributions are the fuel that keeps our engines revving.  Make a donation today, or if you would like to speak with us about major gifts please email

Work for a company that matches?  Amazing!  Let us know when you donate and we will keep our eyes peeled for a matching contribution from your employer in the near future.


It takes a village to create the future we desire, and we would love your help getting there.  As our projects ramp up so will our volunteer opportunities.  Currently we engage volunteers around our big community events, and more opportunities will be coming soon. Want to help us out? Fill out this volunteer form.